Beautiful Baptism Invitations
Your baby’s baptism is an important family occasion. Share your joy with custom invitations from Naptime Productions. Many of our customers’ favorite designs, both with and without photos, are below, but if you have something else in mind, give us a call. We also create custom designs.
Jump to specific designs:
Photo Baptism Invitations • Cross Baptism Invitations • Christening Gown Invitation • Orthodox Cross Invitation • Luther’s Rose Chrismation Invitation • Rosary • Irish Baptism Invitations
Photo Baptism Invitations

Designs Without a Photo: Cross Designs, Christening Gown, Noah’s Ark

Luther’s Rose Baptism and Chrismation Invitations
Orthodox Cross Invitations

Irish Baptism Invitations
Irish Baptism Traditions
Baby’s baptism is a time to celebrate your beliefs and family traditions. An event filled with sentiment and tradition that brings family together. If your family is of Irish origin, you may want to include some Celtic or Irish baptism traditions in your ceremony or reception. We have tried to tie some of these themes into our unique line of Irish Baptism invitations
Traditionally, Irish infants wear baptismal gowns made of Irish linen. These lovely gowns are made of flax linen and lace from Ireland. Gowns are passed down from generation to generation. An Irish linen hanky from the parent’s wedding can be transformed easily into a baptismal bonnet… or vice versa. You can purchase this beautiful Irish lace baptismal bonnet and save it for your daughter to convert to a hanky at her wedding.
The baptism ceremony is arranged with your church in advance. During the ceremony, the baby is welcomed to the church and the parents and godparents make promises to raise the baby within the faith. Holy water from the font is used during the ceremony. In many places in Ireland, this water was taken directly from many of Ireland’s holy wells before the baptismal font was added to the church.
After the ceremony, most families hold a reception allowing the family and friends who have come together to enjoy some time socializing. These are often held at home, with family members contributing to the meal. There may also be a formal meal at an alternate location. To add some Irish or Celtic touches to your ceremony, consider some of these Irish gifts, mementos, and reception ideas.
“May God grant you always a sunbeam to warm you
Irish Blessing
A moonbeam to charm you
A sheltering angel so nothing can harm you.
Plan a meal to include some traditional Irish foods, and using an Irish theme to your table decor and favors. This traditional Irish proverb would be lovely added to your decorations; “A New born babe, brings light to the cottage, warmth to the hearth, and joy to the soul, for wealth is family – family is wealth.”